Exchange/return of goods and claims

Despite the fact that at you only buy quality products from verified manufacturers and brands, it may happen that after a while the product stops serving as it should, or you do not find the right size of the product. In any case, you can be sure that we will try to accommodate you as much as possible in solving each complaint and handle the entire complaint or exchange process as quickly as possible.

Whether you need to return/exchange goods or resolve a complaint, we are here for you. Choose below what you need to solve and fill out a simple form. Filling out is directly linked to your order and since we value your time, filling out will not take more than a minute.

What should I do if I find that the carrier is delivering my order in a damaged box?

Each package leaves us safely, packed well in undamaged packaging and always branded with Florbal4u adhesive tape. If the carrier delivers the order to you in a damaged box (packaging), we recommend that you do not accept the shipment. If you pick up the shipment, do not forget to write the damage with the courier in the acceptance report (state in the report that the package was damaged during the pickup) and check the contents of the shipment by the courier (if the item is missing an item from your order, we do not recommend accepting the shipment). If this happens, contact us and we will work together to resolve this issue as soon as possible.